
Our scribing journey begins here.

These are some best practices to help you make the most of this experience. Keep this page bookmarked and revisit it before each session.

Surrender to the process. Take a deep breath and relax. Your only job here is to talk about what you know. Let go of any resistance—any worries, any fears, any doubts—and allow yourself to feel the excitement of getting your message out and into the hands of the people who need it. Early on, we’ll just be talking through a lot of ideas until we start to zero in on your key points, and that might feel kind of messy and unformed and sluggish. Trust that your book already exists inside of you, and together we will excavate it. The more you can let go and surrender to the process, the more easily it will flow.

Don’t filter yourself. Say everything that comes to mind, especially in response to any questions. Don’t worry about overwhelming me with information, repeating yourself, rambling, or getting the phrasing just right. We are digging for the substance of your book, so the only thing you need to be concerned with is getting the content out. There is no pressure here; all of this will be edited later. So just let the words flow out of you and trust that the way you understand and explain your topic is what is going to resonate with the people you are meant to impact.

Pretend that I know nothing about your subject. Never make assumptions about what your audience knows. You will give your best, clearest answers if you can get into the mindset of talking to a completely inexperienced audience. So imagine you’re talking to a kid. And I’m going to be that annoying kid who asks “why” all the time, because things that seem really obvious to you are obvious because you’re the expert. They won’t be obvious to your audience.

Illustrate your points. The more abstract your concept is, the more people will need concrete examples and stories to anchor them. The stories you share need to teach or show the reader something. They should be specific (rather than generic), personal, and clearly relevant to the point you are trying to make.

Lean into what’s uncomfortable. You want to forge a connection with your readers, so the more honest, vulnerable, and raw you can be, the better. If a topic makes you unexpectedly emotional, I’m going to ask you to talk more about what you’re feeling in that moment. Emotionally intense scribing sessions make for powerful books.

Remember that more is always better. It’s a hell of a lot easier to cut words out (or just not transcribe them to begin with) than it is to add content in if you haven’t given enough information. So word vomit at will. Let me take care of the cleanup.

Enjoy the ride! The creative process is a journey, and instead of having to navigate it alone, you’re on this road trip with a guide. Have fun with it. This is your field of expertise. Let your passion and excitement for it come out in our sessions.